Greetings from the future! (11 hours ahead in time from Kenya). The weather has been in a word, quite simply, “Beautiful”! As the resident meteorologist, Tim would compare the weather here as a late day in July or August with morning temps of 55F and 82F in the mid afternoon. The sun can be quite intense here on the Equator but with low humidity it feels like home in the summer!
Tuesday, Jan 10th, Tim went with the center’s extension trainer Isaac Ruto and went to a nearby town called Turbo and did an agricultural training seminar with a brand new group of farmers from the local community. They parked by the local school and were greeted by 300+ children and everyone of “position” gave a small speech including Tim. When you travel in Kenya, be ready to give a word of encouragement as you will be asked to share something, someplace at anytime! After the formalities, we walked over to pastor Joseph’s small church next to the school and were greeted by the local farmers. As usual, there was a small number assembled, but shortly thereafter, there was over 80 people crammed body to body on the rough hewn wood benches. No lights, but enough sun to allow us to present our subjects of Farming God’s Way introduction, chicken/egg production and a new maize storage bag system. Isaac is an incredible Kenyan Ag teacher and said that this 1st group meeting of 80 will double to 160 the next month that he comes to follow up on what he 1st presented in his training.
Tuesday, Jan 10th, Tim went with the center’s extension trainer Isaac Ruto and went to a nearby town called Turbo and did an agricultural training seminar with a brand new group of farmers from the local community. They parked by the local school and were greeted by 300+ children and everyone of “position” gave a small speech including Tim. When you travel in Kenya, be ready to give a word of encouragement as you will be asked to share something, someplace at anytime! After the formalities, we walked over to pastor Joseph’s small church next to the school and were greeted by the local farmers. As usual, there was a small number assembled, but shortly thereafter, there was over 80 people crammed body to body on the rough hewn wood benches. No lights, but enough sun to allow us to present our subjects of Farming God’s Way introduction, chicken/egg production and a new maize storage bag system. Isaac is an incredible Kenyan Ag teacher and said that this 1st group meeting of 80 will double to 160 the next month that he comes to follow up on what he 1st presented in his training.
After explaining the FGW principles, we went into the field, did a short hands-on demonstration and as we closed, 20 farmers signed up for the 2 day seminar of FGW that Tim will present tomorrow and Friday here at the training center. With the students and outside farmers, we are expecting 60-70 participants.
Jennifer and Brenda finished up the First Aid and CPR course with the Ag students and other community members this morning focusing on injuries to muscle, bones and joints. Students practiced splinting and transporting, complete with assembling stretchers. They had a great time and role-played many different scenarios. Jennifer shared a word of encouragement from Luke 10:25-37, the parable of the Good Samaritan. Now instead of just passing by, they can stop and care for someone who is in need, as God has called us to do. Maybe they can save a life physically and when asked why, they can say it was because the Lord has given them the skills. This can open the door to sharing of their faith and maybe spiritually saving a life too!
Praise the Lord – Bwana Asifiwe!
praying for all of you that God will use you all mightily!